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How has this research changed my mind about Physical Therapists/Physician's Assistant's?


This project has not only broadened my knowledge in these two occupations, but it has also caused me to change my mind. When I first started my job over the summer as a physical therapist technician, I was certain that I wanted to go into physical therapy. I loved the therapists, the job, and I loved the one-on-one interaction with the patients. I thought that this job was the perfect job for me. That was before I dug a little deeper into the profession. I looked up the cost and years of school for physical therapy, and realized that the money that you make after 3 years of school did not sound worth it. I am not saying that money is the only reason why I wanted to work in this field, but if I am going to spend 3 years in school after my undergrad I want it to pay off. After finding this out, I looked into other occupations and stumbled upon a physician’s assistant. My cousin Jordan, who I interviewed for my sixth move, was the person who introduced me to this field. At the time he was just starting his second year of school, and was enjoying it. When I started asking him questions, he was more than excited to tell me all about it. His enthusiasm about the field is what got me more and more interested in researching physician’s assistants for a potential job. After looking into the the occupation further, I realized that this could very well be my future. I really enjoyed researching physician’s assistant’s, and the more I looked into it the more I loved it.

Now what? What is my next step?


I have researched, interviewed, and read everything I can about physician’s assistant’s. Now I want to experience this field first hand. This summer I will be shadowing and working along side physician’s assistant’s in multiple fields. If I can work it out with my current job, I will hopefully be working with my Uncle Jeff at his clinic in Michigan. He has a couple of PA’s and I could work with them in various settings: surgery, pediatrics, and a general family doctor. I will also be taking Mrs. Rathgaber’s advice, the professor I interviewed at University of La Crosse,  and take a class to work as a CNA, a certified nurse’s assistant. I am so excited that I had the chance to research both of these fields, and found a job that is the perfect fit for me. I am really happy to start the next chapter of my life!


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